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AM Testing

ensure your products have the highest structural integrity and quality


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Material and Structural Analysis

Our ARAMIS technology is a critical component of any material or structural test. ARAMIS is an optical non-contact, full-field, and material-independent system that utilizes digital image correlation and photogrammetry. With this system, we can measure 3D shape, 3D displacement (in 6 degrees of freedom), and the full-field strain response of your additively manufactured parts.

If paired with a load frame via a +-10V analog input on our testing controller, or a manually aligned load curve by importing a CSV file, you can utilize our built-in tensile testing script that to fully analyze your materials. This feature will automatically generate stress/strain curves and output material properties such as the modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, n & r values, and others.

ARAMIS can also be used for witness coupon testing to validate each build when paired with a load frame, sub-component functional validation, and build vector variation validation. This leads to 100%-part structural validation, giving you next-level insight into how your part responds during various tests.

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Two additive manufacturing engineers go over an ARAMIS data review on a laptop