Use the following steps to manually set IP addresses in Windows 11/10 using ncpa.cpl
- In the Windows search bar, type "Run" and hit "Enter". In the Run dialog that appears type "ncpa.cpl", similar to what is shown below and click OK.
- When the network connections window opens, double-click the Ethernet adapter used for the GOM Testing Controller (TeCo) or ARAMIS Controller (ArCo).
- A dialog box similar to the one below should open. Double-click the option, "Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)".
- For either a GOM Testing Controller or ARAMIS Controller to communicate with the Zeiss Inspect Correlate software, it needs to have the correct base IP address. Select the radial button, “Use the following IP address:” and type the IP address: “” and for the Subnet mask: “”, as shown below.
- When running the "Help -> System Analysis -> Sensor" workflow in Zeiss Inspect Correlate software (2023 or earlier only), if you receive a warning indicating that other IP addresses are missing, you can add those by clicking on Advanced…
- In the "IP addresses" section, click on Add... For IP address you should type the missing IP address, such as “”. For the subnet mask type “”. Then click Add. For an ARAMIS 12M system, you will most likely need to add,, and, all with the same subnet masks to this list. Once this is done you can close all dialogs.
- If you are changing these settings for either a GOM Testing Controller or ARAMIS Controller, you should also configure certain settings in the Ethernet adapter. You will need to repeat steps 1 and 2 but this time now click Configure…
- In the Advanced tab select Flow Control and for the value select Disabled.
- Similarly, for the option of JumboPacket, select the value of 9KB (occasionally also displayed as 9014 Bytes). Click OK to close all dialogs when complete.