How do I update my license? (SW >2025)

Follow this procedure to update your license to be used with ZEISS Correlate Software 2025

Generating Context file

  1. Open CodeMeter Control Center using the Windows search bar or in your Windows taskbar go to the CodeMeter icon (1 CmContainer connected).
  2. Plug your dongle, select the GOM/ZEISS License and click License Update
  3. Click Next through the Welcome window
  4. With “Create license request” selected, click Next
  5. Select “Extend Existing License” in the next window
  6. Click Next through the Choose Vendor window
  7. Choose desired file location by selecting the three dots and click Commit

Updating License

You can submit the context file yourself or send it to which can take care of it for you!

To submit the context file yourself, visit

When you get the file back, you can install it per the instructions in the next section.

IMPORTANT NOTE: In the Comment section, do not write anything unless instructed otherwise by a Trilion representative or if there was a specific issue in a previously received update file. Leaving a comment automatically blocks your update from being generated automatically by the system and will trigger a manual internal update process.

Activating updated license file

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your computer must be connected to Internet to activate the license. If the system is off network, follow the below instructions on any other computer that is connected to Internet then follow instructions in the next section to Copy the License File to other computers.

  1. Find email from the Zeiss Portal which encases your Activation ID
  2. Open Zeiss Quality Suite
  3. Select “License Overview” as shown with red arrow below
  4. Select button
  5. Enter in your Activation ID into the “Entitlement ID / product key” box, click Add then click Next
  6. Affirm Wibu dongle is plugged into computer and matches dialogue. If correct, click Activate
  7. Click Finish

    How to use the same Wibu dongle on multiple computers by Copying the License File to other computers

    1. Launch Zeiss Quality Suite
    2. Click License Overview in the top right corner of the Zeiss Quality Suite 
    3. Left click on the correct license or select the Details -> link
    4. Click License File under Use License
    5. Click License File and save .zlic file to external hard drive, or server
    6. Move to other computer(s) that you would like to run the software on using this particular USB dongle
    7. Locate .zlic file that was saved on step 5
    8. Launch Zeiss Quality Suite and go to License overview in the top right corner
    9. Click the icon in the top right below the license management button
    10. Click the icon or drag and drop .zlic file
    11. Click Activate