Using CodeMeter WIBU to update a GOM/ZEISS License pre-2023
Generating Context file
- In “show hidden icons” (up arrow) on the taskbar, go to the CodeMeter icon (1 CmContainer connected).
- You can also search for “CodeMeter Control Center” in the Start menu.
- Select the GOM License and click “License Update”
- Click Next through the Welcome window.
- With “Create license request” selected, click Next.
- Select “Extend Existing License” in the next window.
- Click Next through the Choose Producer window.
- Take note where the file will be saved to so you can find it for the next step.
Updating License
You can submit the context file yourself or send it to which can take care of it for you!
To submit the context file yourself, visit
When you get the file back, you can install it per the instructions in the next section.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In the Comment section, do not write anything unless instructed otherwise by a Trilion representative or if there was a specific issue in a previously received update file. Leaving a comment automatically blocks your update from being generated automatically by the system and will trigger a manual internal update process.
Installing updated license context file
- In “show hidden icons” (up arrow) on the taskbar, go to the CodeMeter icon (1 CmContainer connected).
- Select your GOM or ZEISS License and click License Update
- Click Next through the welcome window.
- With “Import license update” selected, click Next
- Navigate to where you downloaded the file and click Commit.