Fixing compatibility issues between ABAQUS and ZEISS Correlate

Converting a .odb created using an Abaqus export script errored out and prompts for a file upgrade which can take hours

Below is a suggested output script for ABAQUS
# Usage:
# ------
# - Command line:
#   abaqus python
#   Make sure the path-variable in this script (l. 45) is set right.
#   File -> Run Script -> Select this script in the Run Script dialog box
# Requirements:
# -------------
# - The *.odb-file must contain the node displacements.
# - Refer to the Abaqus Analysis User's Manual Vol.1
#   4.1.3 Output to the output database
# - Enable it in the *.inp-file by:
#   U
# - or enable it in ABAQUS/CAE by:
#   Step module: field output request editor
Download the file here: